Can You Fly by Waving Your Arms?

Published on February 14, 20255 min read

Can You Fly by Waving Your Arms?

We’ve all imagined such a scene: standing on a high place, opening your arms, flying in the blue sky and white clouds, feeling like a free bird. You may think, "Maybe I can fly just by waving my arms?" Oh, dear, this dream can’t be realized by waving our arms casually! Today, we’ll uncover the truth behind this "flying fantasy" and see if you’ve ever had such a ridiculous dream!

Can You Fly by Waving Your Arms?

Want to Fly? First, You Have to Wave Your Arms Like a Hummingbird!

When it comes to flying, the most important issue is speed! If you really want to "wave your arms" to fly, then you must wave your arms more than 100 times per second, just like a hummingbird! Yes, you read that right—more than 100 times! Imagine, if you can really do this, your shoulders would have been dislocated, and your muscles would have burst. Human muscles simply cannot withstand such high frequencies and huge power demands, unless you are a superman. Even if you swing your arms as hard as you can, the motion will actually make you slide further and further, and you will fall directly to the ground.

Trying to Attach Wings? That’s Just a Pipe Dream

Okay, let’s assume that you really have perfect wings and can fly. That’s fine, at least you can leave the ground "briefly," but if you want to really fly, the human body is simply not up to it. Remember those flying brooms in Harry Potter? Even if you have wings, your bones, muscles, and weight are not suitable for flying. Humans are too heavy, and the wings attached to you are not enough to let you fly freely in the air.

Birds Fly Well, Why Can't Humans Fly?

The reason why birds and insects can fly easily is that they are perfectly adapted to flying—from bones to muscles. Their bones are light, their muscles are super strong, and their wings are designed to be more aerodynamic. In other words, they are born to fly, but what about us? We are suitable for eating fried chicken, drinking beer, wearing high heels, and carrying computer bags to work—we are not suitable for flying.

Flying Is Not Easy, Reward Yourself!

In general, do you want to wave your arms and fly? That’s a dream! Even if you have wings, you must first have the super flying ability of birds. Let’s sit down, drink some hot drinks, relax, and continue to be workers! It feels great to dream of flying, but more importantly—keep your feet on the ground, make money, work, and enjoy life like hard-working workers like us.

But who knows? In the future, perhaps with the advancement of technology, we can also sit in a flying plane and experience real flying in the air—as free as a bird!

Interactive Topic: Have you ever dreamed of flying by waving your arms? Or have you imagined other "superpowers"? Leave a message to tell me, let’s talk about those "flying dreams" together!