A One-Minute Self-Test: Is Your Workplace Anxiety Off the Charts?

Published on February 14, 20253 min read

A One-Minute Self-Test: Is Your Workplace Anxiety Off the Charts?

Every time you're busy at work, do you often feel "exhausted" and want to stop but can't? A message from your boss or a post on social media causes your heart to race, and anxiety starts to creep in. Are you stuck in the whirlwind of workplace anxiety, unable to escape? So, how do you solve this dilemma and eliminate anxiety? Don't worry, we're about to uncover the root causes of your anxiety and help you find the best solution for relief.

A One-Minute Self-Test: Is Your Workplace Anxiety Off the Charts?

The Typical Office Worker: Alarm Goes Off = Anxiety Activated?

Is it like a "mental disaster" every time your alarm goes off in the morning?
You open your eyes and immediately start calculating time: commuting, meetings, unfinished work... It feels like there's never enough time.
Lying in bed, you imagine all the possible "unexpected situations" that could happen throughout the day. The more you think, the less you want to get up, but you force yourself to do it anyway.
Why does this happen?
This is classic "anticipatory anxiety." Before the workday even starts, your mind amplifies all the potential mistakes, draining your energy right away.

Don't Open That Message! Is It Because You're Afraid?

Every time you see a message from your boss, do numerous scenarios flash through your mind:

  • "Did I mess something up at work?"
  • "Am I going to get scolded?"
  • "Do I have to work overtime again?"
    In reality, 90% of these "disastrous assumptions" never happen. But your mind has already prepared for the "worst-case scenario," increasing your anxiety.
    The Truth: It's not the phone notification that's scary—it's your inner high standards and fear of criticism that cause the anxiety.

Everyone Else Seems to Be Doing Better, But It's Just You Feeling Anxious?

Do you feel like you're "falling behind" every time you scroll through social media?
Your peers get promotions and raises, while you're still stressing over end-of-year performance reviews.
Others are traveling, but you're working late into the night.
As you keep scrolling, you start doubting your life choices—Is there no way forward in your career?
This "comparison anxiety" is a prime accomplice to anxiety disorders!
Instead of getting lost in pointless comparisons, take a step back and re-evaluate your goals and current state. Find your own pace.

Take the Test! How Severe is Your Workplace Anxiety?

Each of the following questions may reflect your anxiety levels. Add 1 point for every statement that applies to you and see what your anxiety index is!

  • Before work each day, you feel nervous, worrying that you won't be able to complete your tasks, constantly fearing you won’t meet expectations.
  • The moment you receive an email or message from your boss, your heart races as you worry you've made a mistake.
  • You are constantly dissatisfied with your work, feeling that you're never good enough, and find it hard to relax.
  • When faced with minor work issues, you often replay them in your mind, fearing they will affect your professional image.
  • When you're overloaded with tasks, you feel physical and mental stress, which even affects your sleep.
  • After work, you can't "clock out." Your mind is still occupied with unfinished tasks.
  • When you see successful examples from colleagues or social media, you compare yourself and feel like you're falling short.


  • 0-2 points: Mild anxiety. Overall, you manage stress well and maintain a balanced state.
  • 3-5 points: Moderate anxiety. Work pressure and workplace challenges are starting to impact you; it might be time to adjust your pace.
  • 6-7 points: Severe anxiety. It's starting to affect your physical and mental health. You may need active psychological support and methods to cope.

The Real Causes of Anxiety: Unseen Workplace Pressures


You want to do every task perfectly, but excessive perfectionism leads you to set high expectations for yourself. You focus on every tiny detail, always feeling like you're not doing enough, which adds up to more pressure.

Saying "No" is Always So Hard

You always say "yes" to your boss, colleagues, and friends, no matter how busy your work or chaotic your life is. You don't dare reject any request. In an effort to please others, you sacrifice your own time and energy.

A Confusing Future

Your career path seems unclear. Promotions and raises seem increasingly difficult, and you often question if you’ve chosen the right direction. This anxiety seeps into every moment of your life.

Overload of Information

From morning till night, everyone is sending you tasks, messages, and notifications. Workgroup messages and emails flood in, and the endless stream of information makes you feel like you're always catching up but never keeping up.

How to Escape Workplace Anxiety?

Accept the "Imperfect" You

Remember, perfection doesn't equal success. Accept your occasional mistakes and learn to forgive yourself. You’ve already done your best, and that's what matters most.

Learn to Say "No" and Manage Your Time

Saying "no" isn't a bad thing. Learn to set boundaries and not let others occupy your time freely. Prioritize what’s most important for you and give yourself some space.

Reassess Career Goals and Avoid Feeling Lost

Your career is not a straight path. Sometimes, the wrong turns you take are part of your growth. Relax and give yourself time to explore—there are many paths ahead, and the one that fits you best is the right one.

Turn Off Notifications and Give Yourself a Break

Don't let your phone control your life! After work, disconnect from emails and group chats, and carve out space to truly relax. Only by separating work and life can you find true balance.

Did the Test Reveal Your Anxiety Level?

Regardless of your score—whether mild, moderate, or severe anxiety—it means you’ve started to recognize the pressures of the workplace. So, what’s next?
Share your test results with us, and let’s find ways to relieve your anxiety right away.

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